Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
E18- Cloak of Compassion

E18- Cloak of Compassion

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama

In this introduction of series 3,give yourself permission to envelop yourself in compassion. I talk about how to transform compassion into courage to sit with our discomfort, how compassion helps changes our neural network by calming the fight flight response in our brains within the amygdala and we finish with a smoothing love and kindness practice. 

To find out more about my Clear Mind, Confident Body Group Online sessions tune in here and for my one to one sessions for Clarity, Courage and Confident Programs tune in here

“Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival.” ~Dalai lama

Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
Come and join interesting short conversations on how to boost your confidence with Inner Confidence Coach Arty Amarisa. She will share tips and techniques to befriend your inner critic, overcome your imposter syndrome and cultivate self-esteem. It will also include interviews experts, professionals, and insightful beings to inspire and motivate us along.
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Arty Amarisa