Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
E22 - Celebrate Creative Calm

E22 - Celebrate Creative Calm

“Pain is not wrong. Reacting to pain as wrong initiates the trance of unworthiness. The moment we believe something is wrong, our world shrinks and we lose ourselves in the effort to combat the pain.” ~Tara Brach

‘Celebrate Creative Calm’ is about using the power of writing to birth yourself brave and navigate through the ebbs and flows of life. It has been over year since the first lockdown in the UK and personally I’ve used this time to cultivate my creative side and have the pleasure of sharing my ‘Fertile Emotional Wellbeing’ course to give you confidence and knowledge to empower your clients to create a fertile optimum state. There is a Free Masterclass on ‘How to Flourish in your Fertility Business and Cultivate a Thriving Mindset’ which you can access on If you are interested in joining the course you can purchase it on or feel free to email Arty at for any further questions

This is an invitation that I’m extending to all the listeners to celebrate creative calm by exploring the gift of writing. I’ve interviewed, teacher, write poet Jo Bell who shares with us about her workshops, self compassion and some simple effective tips to start writing now. There is an abundance of research presented by Dr Kristen Neff and James Pennebaker which highlights the self soothing benefits of self compassion and writing to improve immunity. To tune into Jo’s free weekly letters check out and her course starting on the 20th April link here Do follow her on Instagram as well where she shares writing prompts -

Do take some time out to listen to this so that it can give yourself the gift of writing to celebrate creative calm. To access other visualisations and inspirational ebooks on your fertility and self-improvement journey don’t forget to access my free resources and gifts on -

Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
Come and join interesting short conversations on how to boost your confidence with Inner Confidence Coach Arty Amarisa. She will share tips and techniques to befriend your inner critic, overcome your imposter syndrome and cultivate self-esteem. It will also include interviews experts, professionals, and insightful beings to inspire and motivate us along.
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Arty Amarisa