Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
E8 - Rise from the Ashes

E8 - Rise from the Ashes

This episode is released during Baby Loss Awareness Week 9th to 15th October 2020. So I"m opening this series talking about the transformation on goes through after one of the hardest losses one can experience, the loss of a child. We all navigate through different intensity of losses yet the key is to keep flowing rather than keeping static, that eventually leads you to your designation.

I'm talking about how one can transform a wound into a scar by developing emotional resilience, how we can experience positive overwhelm by reaching out to something bigger than us for social and inner connection and how do we deal with the continuously lows of our life. It is all about giving ourselves the opportunity to 'Birth Yourself Brave'. 

There is dedicated webpage I have created where you can access more information on what support there is available for Baby Loss and resources that you can access -

"The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen."
Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

If you have any questions feel free to visit my website on or email me on

Spark Of Clarity & Confidence
Inner Confidence Conversations
Come and join interesting short conversations on how to boost your confidence with Inner Confidence Coach Arty Amarisa. She will share tips and techniques to befriend your inner critic, overcome your imposter syndrome and cultivate self-esteem. It will also include interviews experts, professionals, and insightful beings to inspire and motivate us along.
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Arty Amarisa